Eye care

A regular eye examination is important as it can give clues to general health as well as eye sight conditions.

Occasionally deterioration in the eye sight can be so gradual it can sometimes go unnoticed.

Early Detection – Vital Protection

Book your OCT 3D SCAN with your sight test.

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Alton Murphy Opticians recommend that you have your eyes examined on a regular basis, at least every 2 years or more frequently if advised.

An eye test does a lot more than just check whether you need glasses.

It can also pick up early signs of eye conditions such cataracts and glaucoma, as well as detecting underlying general health problems like diabetes and high blood pressure

  • We offer eye examinations for all age groups 
  • Giving all patients a detailed and personalised eye examination.

With our dedicated expertise you can be assured your vision and eye health is in safe hands. 

Eye examination

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Contact lenses

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Corporate eye care

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Eye Care | We Care

We make sure you get the best experience.

When you visit our practices we’ll make you feel comfortable and take the time to fully discuss your needs throughout your visit.

After you leave – we are always here with after care, support and advice.

NHS information

The NHS, together with Alton Murphy, will cover the full cost of an eye test for anyone who qualifies (funding does not apply to everyone). In some cases, the NHS will also give an optical voucher towards the cost of glasses or contact lenses.

  • 60 or over
  • Under 16
  • A full time student aged 16, 17 or 18
  • Receiving:
    • Income Support
    • Income related Employment and Support Allowance
    • Income based Job seekers Allowance
    • Pension Credit guarantee credit
    • Tax Credit and I am/we are named on a valid NHS Tax Credit Exemption Certificate
  • Named on a valid HC2 certificate
  • Registered severely sight impaired /sight impaired with the local authority
  • Suffer from diabetes/glaucoma
  • Considered to be at risk of glaucoma by an ophthalmologist at the hospital
  • 40 or over and am the parent/brother/sister/child of a person who has glaucoma
  • Have been prescribed complex lenses under the NHS optical voucher scheme

Do you value expert advice…

With a personal service tailored to your individual needs…

We have access to the best lenses for your vision and comfort…

Ask in store for more information

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